How to Download & Install XAMPP in Windows 10

What is XAMPP & Why use them for Programming ? XAMPP is a most popular free open-source software that helps programmers to write and develop the program in an easy way to in php programming language and also helps for web-developers and designers to install & run PHP-based framework software…

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What is Python Automation & 7 Best Python Modules for Automation

What is Python Automation & Why Need it? To understand python automation we need first understand what is automation  Automation is a process that is performed an action activity is changed into one that happens naturally. in the case of python, automation is a bunch of scripts that write in a python…

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How to Create a Firebase Account for Android App

This blog will describe you how to create firebase account in google firebase console for any project such as Android Apps,Web-JavaScript,iOS.We will go through step-by-step instructions to create a firebase account,so here we go how to create a firebase account in google firebase. The Ultimate Guide To Create A Firebase…

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What is Firebase & it’s main features and Why is important for our projects

What is Firebase and Why is Important for our project ? Firebase is a Baas Known as Backend-as-a-service and it has also mobile and web application development platform that provides all type of infrastructure and services in one place such as authentications,database,hosting,cloud messaging,storage,app indexing etc for your project app,web &…

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How to Create a Menu in WordPress and Why important is it?

Today we discuss how to we create a menu in wordpress-website and why is important for our website and also discuss how to add pages,  categories,posts,custom-links to menu in wordpress. we discuss first  why create a menu in wordpress or Main Menu is Why is important for over all websites. …

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Connect MySQL Database to PHP with PDO & Classes

Without a database, no practical PHP application could not exist. in php, we connect MySQL database by two most common ways: MySQLi(Improved MySQL) and PDO (PHP Data Objects) and along with OOP. in this post we must use PDO way to connecting the MySQL database server to php.PDO is a…

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How will Install The WordPress on the own system

Guys, Installing Wordpress locally on your system is the first choice & best option for your website and you can easily practice, test & make your website after all this you can do upload a website on live server.You can also easily update & fix errors of the website. you…

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