What is Firebase & it’s main features and Why is important for our projects

What is Firebase and Why is Important for our project ?

Firebase is a Baas Known as Backend-as-a-service and it has also mobile and web application development platform that provides all type of infrastructure and services in one place such as authentications,database,hosting,cloud messaging,storage,app indexing etc for your project app,web & iOS application and next generation application-development platform in Google Cloud System.

By Firebase you can develop and create any application such as web,android,iOS because all maximum required API and services are integrated in Firebase- Firebase Console System means no need to one by one enable or create every api for your project on  Google Cloud System or Google Cloud API and you can also easily deploy or create your database.


In Firebase Your Application’s Backend components such as hosting,storage,databases, messaging services,authentication,etc are operated and fully maintained by Google. Google Firebase provides Client SDKs to users that helps users to directly interact with these backend services and no need to establish any middleware (connection-communication) between your app and the service.

Mainly is different from any traditional app development which in typically involves and required all frontend and backend coding and design in your application. Firebase similar as a new SDK Language Flutter and React Native JS  

Main Features of Firebase

1. Authentication

Firebase Authentication provides background services,SDKs and ready-made UI libraries for authenticate your app or website. Firesbase Auth gives secure and easy authentication systems to users.Firebase Auth supports authentation by phone numbers using otp,emails,usernames and passwords, third party providers like Google,Facebook,Twitter and Mircosoft More.OAuth2 is also supported in Firebase Authentation for Google,Github,Facebook and more.

2. Hosting

Firebase Hosting gives you fastest and secure hosting for you app,website,web app,static and dyanmic content and also proviedes free-ssl certificate so users get a secure secure,reliable content,app,website and in firebase hosting automatically push them out web assets to our Global CDN. 

3.Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage provides powerful and simplest way to Store & Share user-generated data(content) like as images,videos and audio in firebase and you can easily map the data in your firebase cloud storage bucket to your firebase project. you can easily use the data in your firebase project.Firebase also gives the option on which location you have store the data.

4.Realtime Database

Firebase’s Original database is Realtime Database and its the way of future in database. in most databases in every time requires http standard calls to get and sync your data and maximum databases gives only data when you ask for it.

Realtime Database connecting your app or website by WebSocket not connected through http.websockets are faster than http and data is synced across all clients system in realtime and remains everytime available even your app is goes in offline.

5.Cloud Firestore

Cloud Firestore is a flexible  and scalable database for web,mobile app and server development from Firebase. Its Store and sync data between users and devices at global scale using a cloud-hosted realtime-database NoSql Database. Cloud Firestore mainly designed for Enterprises uses and its offers seamless integration with other Firebase.

6.Cloud Messaging

In App By Cloud Messaging You can easily send or recieve to users and more reliable way across platforms. its real-time communications way. 

7.ML Kit

ML Kit is a mobile SDK that provides machine learning features to your mobile app. it helps your deploy custom ML Models optimized for on-device interface which reduces your initial app installation size and make easily app updates. 

8.Test Lab

Google Test Lab, provides  virtual & physical devices access to test your app in real enviroment and in Google’s data-centers. Google Test Lab will also support game testing too and its a cloud-based app  testing infrastructure.


Notification can easily sent from firebase to users and no required to additional coding for send user-focused custom notifications to the users and users can get started with firebase in free.


With Firebase-Admob you can increase your earnings and you must have an app becuase by through admob your app will be monetize and in app custom google ads shows and you will generate revenue through ads.

By Making app with firebase you must have first need basic knowledge of android and also must knowledge of android studio or vs studio. if you have not knowledge of android studio or vs studio and you have not enough knowledge of coding and android then you can also makes app by online some websites or app who helps to make your app easily and no needed to coding.

one of the app is ‘Sketchware‘ who make a your app easily.Just Drag and drop widgets or components,items on screen and no needed to much coding to make your app and Here is Tutorial.By This Tutorial you can easily learn and make a app in ‘Sketchware‘ and published it to google play store.

Check out this also:-

Build Application using Smartphone by SketchWare in 10 steps!

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